Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Bankroll Challenge and MFTOPS #13
Started off a bankroll challenge at the weekend and this has been going ok so far:
- $50 initial buy-in
- 0.01-0.02 FR
- Multi-tabling x4
- Need 10 times the x4 buy in before moving to the next level (so $200 before going to 0.02-0.05)
I've been winning at around 13bb/100 and am actually running at slightly below all-in EV, which is obviously good. Will be trying to get around 10K hands played before the end of the month - not going to set any immediate goals apart from that, just want to get a feel on how much time I can devote to this on a regular basis before seeing what my targets are. Monthly graphs etc to follow.
I will also be "cheating" a little on getting to the $200 target - with a bonus to clear and some rakeback due this should hopefully help me to move through the initial level a bit quicker.
As for the rest of the proposed MFTOPS events - my daughter's christening has been scheduled for this weekend so will be missing these in all likelihood. Might get the chance to play in event #26 but the Sunday tournament is definitely out.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Mini FTOPS 10
Raised TT from middle position one caller from the button.
Flop 3x7c8c
Get it in vs AcKc, A binks on the river.
Oh well, hope for more luck tonight.
Rush Poker is not going well and is bad for the bankroll. Am running like a man with no legs though.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Anyway, in order:
- bought a house :)
- moved jobs :)
- became a daddy :)
- made redundant :(
- moved back to my old job :)
So poker has been on a serious back burner. However, I am hoping to change that over the next few months as everything has now settled down a bit. Been dabbling in Rush Poker on FT (I totally missed this as it went live during my hiatus) and it's great fun, also very handy for those in my position who don't often have the time to spend on tournaments. Not too sure how good it will be for the bankroll, results have been mixed but I am up slightly overall.
Am planning on playing the following Mini FTOPS events and will be trying to provide recaps on each one:
- Event #10 Saturday Sep 11 $20 + $2 NL Hold'em Rush Turbo $150,000
- Event #11 Sunday Sep 12 $12 + $1 NL Hold'em Knockout $200,000
- Event #13 Sunday Sep 12 $30 + $3 NL Hold'em $400,000
- Event #26 Friday Sep 17 $20 + $2 NL Hold'em 6 max Knockout $300,000
- Event #32 Sunday Sep 19 $24 + $2 NL Hold'em 6 max Knockout $300,000
Saturday, 13 June 2009
25 K Final Table

Frustrating to final table it and be the first man out, but I had been short for a fair while. Can't complain about being fairly card dead towards the end after some suckouts in the first 2 hours - (88 > KK AIPF, AJ > KQ on a q high flop), but I did lose a fairly critical race with about 30 left which would have seen me take the chip lead at around 500K (QQ < AK \ AJ all in pre in a 3 handed pot). In hindsight, I probably played a little too tight, but anytime I tried to make a blind steal or a move on a pot, I was faced with insta-allins from at least 2 players. Maybe I was being too obvious, or maybe my timing just sucked. Meh.
Might try and squeeze in some of the MSOP events next weekend, and I've also satellited into the 5000 FTP freeroll on 21 June. Probably no more play until then though, and won't be playing live until next month at the earliest.
All the best,
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Anyway, might as well start off with some good news.. a tournament win, and of all things, it was a Pot Limit Omaha tournament!

Only small, but it's a start.. played well in the tournament, got a few horrible beats which left me crippled, then roared back to make the final table and hit a good run of cards at the right time. Final 3 and heads up I was pretty aggressive and had good reads on my opponents and managed to take it down..
A few other small cashes to report, nothing major.. one good thing is that the only way I'm leaving tournaments seems to be on bad beats - whilst it's frustrating it must mean I'm doing something right!
One other thing I'm hoping to do more of is play more live events round Ireland - this is the other purpose of the blog, to visit live poker venues and see what they are like. Will hopefully have more of this sort of thing to report in future posts.
GL All,